A History of the UFO Mystery
Introduction - An Old Story
The whole UfO mystery is certainly an old story with so many people all climbing on the bandwagon with the most incredible stories ranging from unusual lights being seen in the sky to close encounters with otherworldly beings.
There is a well documented and often repeated Chronology of events that usually begin with the Kenneth Arnold’s sighting and the subsequent coining “flying Saucer” term.
The famous “foo fighters” of the second war.
Then the in/famous Roswell incident the
Rendelsham forest account; the
Belgium wave and the
Phoenix Lights.
Actually the list of mass sightings is impressively long.
SO WHY (another)THIS BLOG?
I think I may have something different to add to the mix . . . a fresh angle if you will
We Need to introduce the subject.
Why is there such a hullabaloo about UfO's
How many people have even seen one?
Here's something from www.alienresistance.org
Larry King ran a couple of programs about a UFO sighting in Stephenville TX a couple of years back, and on his website they posted a poll simply asking people “Do you believe in extra-terrestrial life?” It got an amazingly high number of affirmative answers – 86% said yes. That’s the highest number I’ve ever seen on any similar poll from a major media source.
So 8 percent, 12 percent, splitting the difference, as many as 1 out 10 people have seen a UFO. About one in forty, maybe one in fifty, have had an experience they identify as extra-terrestrial.
A Change in Thinking
Something’s definitely happening. There is a change in our world,
a changing perception
a kind of awakening
a shift from the largely debunked era of materialistic evolution to a spiritual awareness, that is not main stream religious or wacky hippiedom.
Just like weakening and total collapse of communism in eastern Europe, so with the materialistic view of reality that accompanied it in the east and the west also seems to be cracking and collapsing upon itself as it struggles to hold on to its largely debunked beliefs and lack of evidence.
So much confidence was expressed in this idea that seemed to be so rock solid in its beliefs it penetrated and totally took over the entire education system of the western world. I can remember as a child drawing pictures of our ancestral ape men in my science books to show to my approving teacher.
But there are a lot of people in the new generation of scholars and scientists who are saying "hey but the emperor doesn't have any clothes on".
A growing tide of disillusioned young scholars are becoming more and more impatient with the scientific communities dogged determination to hang on to their belief system in spite of the fact that no real evidence to conclusively prove any of their claims has ever come to light in over a century of concerted effort.
But there is something that we can take away from the slow inevitable death of materialistic evolution.
That is honest scientific methods of research are still preferable to blind acceptance.
And it is at this point we begin . . .
Burden of Proof
If we put aside the verbal accounts from many witnesses and say we are only interested in hard evidence then what have we got?
• PHOTOGRAPHS? The evidence to date ranges also from some rather blurry
photographs from totally indistinct to relatively identifiable looking craft.
• MOVIES? There are a few fuzzy film recordings from years ago. One of the most famous of the pre-digital films in the 70’s is perhaps the famous “Gaurdian” film again very indistinct and out of focus film of flashing lights on a dark background that could be just about anything. One debunker makes a compelling argument by demonstrating that the video does look suspiciously like a grounded helicopter. Another demonstration shows one an film the sky with an image on a plane of glass moved around to create a relatively convincing fake.
• WHY SO FEW?. . . On the other hand. . . We don't have visual records for most encounters simply because . . , someone caught alone out on on the road and suddenly assailed with an otherworldly experience doesn’t normally have filming equipment on hand to set up and record the incident.
But that has changed somewhat in the last twenty years or so
The technological boom has certainly given the world a quick and ready to use filming device in every cell phone. So surely there is a greatly increased the chance of somebody having the means to record any unusual phenomenon they happen to stumble upon.
• And as one would expect, the amount of recorded footage of strange phenomenon has indeed exponentially increased.
• But unfortunately the increase in video recording technology with accompanying home editing available on every computer makes hoaxes also easier to manufacture, so the prospect of receiving genuine eye witness accounts with video proof is as disputable as ever. Also the pixelated blurry images are frustratingly vague enough to cast doubt on most of these recordings
• We simply do not have a clear video of a nuts a bolt machine that is totally unlike anything we have ever seen manufactured on planet earth landing on the ground with some kind of hatch sliding open and some alien beings climbing out and saying “We come in Peace, take me to your leader”.
Perhaps our Hollywood Perceptions are misguided
The idea of intelligent life travelling across vast aeons of space and making contact with man is a widely held hope and there are plenty of people who are convinced that this is what is actually going on.
But the strangeness of the events the lack of clarity, there is no awareness of space traffic outside our atmosphere and no great arrival in the Nevada Desert and yet something is going on that is very strange and very persistent.
The importance of ignoring our preconceptions and examining the phenomena as something quite beyond anything we know and experience seems to be a logical way to approach it.
Are are these events related even? Do they have commonalities that reoccur, why is it so difficult to get a clear recording of the events described?
What is the governments role in these events? Do they know something we don’t?
There are no lack of tantalising stories that filter out to the public that give us just enough evidence to keep the UfO story alive. . it’s actually doing much more than that
. . . in fact its burgeoning.
Cover Up?
What of all these allegations of some kind of cover up involving top secrete military officials who seem to be determined to keep any UfO sighting firmly under wraps.
Is it true that after a sighting of a UfO there is a sudden arrival of military personal who then confiscate all evidence and threaten and intimidate people into silence?
This further adds to the whole mystery of the phenomenon and certainly excites even more interest that previously. If its a secret government project then why cant they say “Its a secret government project” and “we can’t tell you because we don't want bad people to have access to our development programs” or something like that.
Believers and unbelievers
This is a polarised as any controversy can be, with passionate supporters on the one side and equally passionate debunkers on the other, all determined to vindicate their point of view.
The subject is researched as much as any other field of study in History. It still seems the majority of people are incredulous and dismiss the idea with sniggers of derision and relegation to the domaine of crackpots and hoaxers.
But having statistically speaking the pendulum is certainly swinging towards the believer’s end more than ever.
The Believers
Are these all crackpots and fringe people with serious psychological and/or mental problems? Some of them may very well be, the believers are as widely diversified as is possible and the spectrum is multilayered and complex.
The most extreme we could say are those who firmly believe that there are other civilisations from distant planets in other Galaxy’s who have been visiting earth and are trying to make contact with us.
This moves right across a colourful spectrum of beliefs and ideas to those who are not prepared to commit to any particular viewpoint but are prepared to admit there is definitely something going on but they have no idea what it actually is.
Highly credible witnesses
The List of highly credible witnesses is simply enormous, here’s a few samples.
1. Astronauts: Well they travel in outer space surely they may have seen if anything is up there? And what about on the Moon and the apollo landings, could they have seen anything?
Yes plenty of them Listing on this site:
2. How about Pilots? They spend a lot of time flying around the earth high up in the air
Heres a sample from the disclosure project
3. What about the Police? They may be called up if anything strange is happening . . . plenty here’s a sample
4. Reliable researchers: J. Allen Hynek (an American astronomer, professor, and ufologist)and Jacques Vallee (computer scientist, author, ufologist and former astronomer currently residing in San Francisco, California.)were appointed by the US government to research all these sightings and were completely sceptical to begin with but after intensive work in the field they had to admit that there was definitely something going on.
J. Allen Hynek had gone—seemingly overnight—from a determined debunker to an ardent apostle of the UFO gospel. A longtime consultant to Project Blue Book noted for his skeptical stance toward UFOs, Hynek suddenly began telling anyone who would listen that the UFO phenomenon merited serious scientific scrutiny.
Jacques Vallée came to an equally affirming belief that there was a definite reality to the phenomenon and developed a theory about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). his idea was these and other related events involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own. It is an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis
More recently is the work of Dr. Stephen Greer who heads u the “Disclosure Project” which seeks the disclosure of suppressed UFO information.
in the film "I know what I saw" some pretty high profile army officers, politicians, pilots and astronauts all brave ridicule to place on record their accounts of UfO encounters.
You have got to ask yourself why would they do this with absolutely nothing to gain?
There are plenty more just google and you will be inundated.
The Quest for Truth
Also one thinks of the volleys of insults and accusations they fly across from one system of belief to the other. The most obvious example is the Christians vs the atheists quite public forum on the internet. Each accusing the other of being fools and ignorant and whatever insults come to mind.
Reminds me of dire straits industrial disease song.
I go down to Speaker's Corner I'm thunderstruck
They got free speech, tourists, police in trucks
Two men say they're Jesus one of them must be wrong
There's a protest singer singing a protest song
It reminds me of a young Christian who I had a conversation with about UFO’s and I said to him “you know, the “U” designates. . . “unidentified” . . . Flying Object which translates as. . . “unknown” . . . it doesn’t mean aliens from Mars.
He just laughed at the idea and basically indicated I was being weird and a member of the crazy fringe.
I was amazed at this display of prejudice and ignorance,I wanted to tell him how ludicrous a belief in a couple of naked people in a garden with a talking snake can sound.
Or all the animals getting on board a giant wooden boat to avoid drowning in a world wide flood.
The Scientific community certainly claim the monopoly on truth But close-mindedness is not the domain of the religious conservatives exclusively,
heres some fun . . .Materialists simply can't deal with the supernatural
check out arch skeptic Bill Nye take on Bob Jacobs on Larry King Live about the incident with the VanndenBerg missile launch program.
Are the skeptics just close-minded refusing to accept anything is possible outside the comforting parameters of the “peer reviewed” text books? Surely we haven’t come to the end of Scientific study? Do we know know everything there is to know?
But what about the claims of otherworldly experiences? Can we take them seriously? The skeptics will say there are acceptable limits to what we can demonstrate and prove.
Have we reached the end of all Knowledge?
Are our formula’s and theories air tight? the answer is obviously not. In about 100 years will our technology be the same as it is today? Is it safe to assume that the technology of today will be seen as antiquated and crude in the future?
Anything outside of these must be by definition be untrue or at least unprovable.
Well sure, but there is a contradiction here. what we can demonstrate and prove is limited by our technology.
Our technology is changing day by day therefore what we can demonstrate and prove must also be in a state of flux, what cannot be demonstrated and proved today might be possible tomorrow.
If we have eye witness reports of something strange we then need to send a forensics team and use our knowledge and skill to check it out.
Maybe we cannot find the answer. . . yet! . . . but perhaps we should keep trying.
The idea that in the face of an ever growing phenomenon to simply call it a hoax or people are lying is wearing a bit thin.
There are just too many testimonies.

Surely a better approach is to check it out with all the scientific instrumentation and technology at our disposal?
Well this is just part of an introduction there is much more to say and also a couple of theories of my own lets see where the rabbit hole leads us
If these are not little grey men in anti gravitational space rockets, then what exactly is this?
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